1.  Hadauti Region of Rajasthan has had its distinct identity, culture, traditions, language, script and heritage for centuries. This is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we will pass on to the future generations. Our culture, language, heritage and traditions are irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. Town of Boondi was the Capital of Hadauti Region and our culture, heritage, language etc were developed, patronised and conserved through the royal patronage. The 24th Ruler/ Gaadipati of the State of Boondi signed the Instrument of Accession and integrated the State with the Union of India, that is now Bharat. As our unique character needs preservation and nurturing, the objective of this Trust is conservation, protection and development of our identity, culture, traditions, script, language and heritage and will include, but is not limited to the aspects enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs.

2.  To Encourage all the instrumentalities of the State and all other related authorities and agencies to ensure the protection and conservation of our culture, script, language and heritage in all its forms.

3.  To promote timely assistance for heritage sites which are in danger due to structural damages, lack of maintenance and repairs or due to adverse or illegal possessions.

4.  The Trust will work and use its properties and resources for education, and as educational institutes, as and when, and for whatever purpose required. It will catalyse and mobilise resources for conservation and development of our Hadauti / Hadoti language and script which is spoken by approximately 40 lac people belonging to this region. It will endeavor to conserve, preserve and protect both the tangible as well as intangible aspects of our culture, traditions, script, language, heritage etc.

5.  Encourage participation of the local population in the preservation of the ancestral, cultural, linguistic and all kinds of heritage.

6.  Encourage research in all fields.

7.  Co-ordinate with other related govt and non govt departments, universities, linguistic institutes, agencies, such as UNESCO, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), State Archaeological department and other organisations and groups.

8.  Support UNESCO, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), State Archaeological department, INTACH, and any other organisations / NGOs working for culture and heritage protection and conservation for all related purposes including and not limited to public awareness-building activities like seminars, knowledge fairs and camps, stage plays, rallies, marathon runs, Yoga camps, school and college level quizzes, field trips, internship programs etc.

9.  Encourage coordination between local people, local bodies, Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samities, Zila Parishad, Nagar Palika, Nagar Parishad, Nagar Nigam, district administration, State Govt, Central Govt and all such agencies for culture and language conservation and for sites protected and maintained by other agencies like UNESCO, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), State Archaeological departments and all others.

10.  Preservation, conservation, protection, maintenance and environmental development of centrally or state protected or unprotected or abandoned monuments or ruins or sites including world heritage monuments and antiquities.

11.  Maintenance of sites and of gardens and development of new gardens surrounding centrally or state protected or unprotected or abandoned monuments or ruins or sites including heritage monuments.

12.  Adoption of sites which are under UNESCO, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), State Archaeological departments or abandoned monuments or ruins under the central or state govt schemes for promoting tourism based on our culture, traditions, historical backgrounds and such related activities for all such sites.

13.  Exploration and excavation of ancient sites or monuments and adoption of these sites under our organisation for protection, preservation, conservation and restoration.

14.  Promote specialised study of linguistic inscriptions, historical facts and various phases of our/ Indian architecture, art, handicraft, tourism, culture and heritage.

15.  Promotion and maintenance of temples, archaeological sites, museums, art galleries, haat bazaar, handloom bazaar etc.

16.  Promote research and training in different areas of archaeology, language, architecture, handloom, haat bazaar, local traditions, art and culture.

17.  It will make contributions in the fields of education, sports, health & wellness, women, youth welfare etc and all other related fields.

18.  Welfare and miscellaneous activities of all kinds in all the fields.

19.  Observance and assurance of continuity of aspects related to our traditional, cultural and linguistic rites, ceremonies, traditions, rituals, sacraments etc.

20.  Undertake hospitality businesses, micro financing initiatives, agriculture related work to include organic farming and introduction of best practices, promotion of technological innovations, run and manage cooperatives, generate livelihood etc.

21.  Work in the field of education, vocational training, skill training, run coaching centers etc.

22.  Humanitarian assistance of all types, running of community kitchens, de-addiction centers.

23.  Provision of health care, nutrition, sanitation, support Swachh Bharat initiatives, work towards finding and maintaining traditional and modern drinking water resources and solutions.

24.  Pay requisite attention and mobilise resources for social upliftment, anti dowry initiatives, cow protection, environment protection, energy conservation, bio diversity, wildlife protection and conservation, social justice, social inclusion.

25.  Initiate and support legal initiatives for community and public, social and national good.

26.  To promote and progress all govt initiatives and schemes in all fields and to align with Amrit Kaal objectives of the govt.

27.  To promote education and other welfare activities for all children irrespective of their social class.

28.  To establish and maintain hospitals, medical centers and child welfare centers and similar other welfare oriented institutions for the benefit of the public at large.

29.  To establish and run hostels, library, study centers and other such educational institutions for promoting educational excellence.

30.  To organize training for women, youth and general people in all spheres of life.

31.  To provide education, medicine, food, clothing, water, electricity and other welfare amenities for the persons and to provide them help of all kind.

32.  To establish and maintain orphanages, old age homes, crematoriums and other such establishments.

33.  To establish tourist and cultural centers / facilities for promotion of local / indigenous culture, traditions, language and art forms and to act as patrons of all kinds of art, music, fine arts etc.

34.  To organise relief and assistance to the needy and other victims and also during natural calamities such as famine, earthquake, flood, fire, pestilence, epidemic, pandemic etc. and to provide and channelise assistance to and from other institutions, establishments or persons engaged in such relief work.

35.  To establish, maintain and run dairying, animal breeding, care organisations and activities for animal welfare and other enterprises.

36.  To encourage, aid, assist, organise, undertake and contribute to community development, urban growth, general and technical education, environmental quality and suchlike works etc.

37.  To create public opinion, encourage and activate social responsibilities of people and to establish just and equitable principles in their social life.

38.  To act as a center of studies/excellence and research in subjects of interest of the general public to help them realise their true potential in any chosen field.

39.  To work towards leadership development and facilitate excellence in the chosen field for all, especially the youth.

40.  To take steps for eradication of child labor and suchlike activities and practices.

41.  To promote communal harmony and brotherhood between different communities, social, religious, linguistic groups etc.

42.  To restore trust and faith of people in public administration and other instrumentalities of the State.

43.  To undertake and assist in channelising all kinds of charitable and philanthropic initiatives.

44.  To institute awards to support and honour individual / team contributions to the society and nation.

45.  To improve public health, sanitation and suchlike facilities.

46.  To work towards achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals.

47.  To coordinate and partner with other governmental, and nongovernmental organisations, the United Nations Organisation, and other international forums.

48.  To work towards poverty reduction and alleviation and improving quality of life of our communities and population.

49.  The area is well known for its flora and fauna, especially tigers. The Trust will work towards the conservation of this natural heritage in the area and everywhere else and to protect and preserve environment in all possible manner. It will also work in the field of renewable energy.

50.  To collect, study, analyse research, disseminate, and publish information about various aspects of governance, including policies, decisions, decision-making processes, and implementation of various government plans, programs, and schemes, and to take proactive steps so that relevant rules and laws are enacted and enforced.

51.  To undertake such activities and programs that promote and lead to a just, transparent, accountable, and participatory governance in India, resulting in reduction of corruption and to promote equal opportunities for development.

52.  To educate people and organise various kinds of awareness programs and activities regarding various laws and rights of the public as also in participative governance and administration.

53.  To approach appropriate authorities and to sue etc in appropriate honorable courts on all subjects, whenever required, to ensure and not limited to the upkeep of our heritage, for social justice, to attain goals of the constitution, in matters concerning properties of erstwhile princely states all over the country, for maintenance of communal harmony, protection of our culture, language, and history and for all other such causes. The Trust will have all the rights and perform all the duties of a juristic person.

54.  To channelise and generate resources from and for other organizations engaged in similar objectives.

55.  To publish periodicals, pamphlets, books and other literature and use other media for promoting the objects of the Trust.

56.  To associate with other organizations with similar objects in and outside India, for the furtherance of the objects of the Trust.

57.  To acquire, take over, run, manage, and administer any heritage properties or other properties or existing organisations engaged in similar objectives.

58.  To organise and take part in various camps/ training events as may be required.

59. To constitute scholarships, pay stipends, cash remuneration and incentives, presentations or awards and prizes in cash or in kind to promote the objects of the Trust.

60. To organise seminars, conferences, workshops, national and international art exhibitions, and conclaves on all subjects including but not limited to the protection of heritage, language, culture, social justice, environmental issues, educational and economic upliftment, and to raise legal demands and to educate and help protect concerned on the various aspects of fundamental rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution of India.

61.  To conduct various field studies and surveys for data collection.

62.  To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the solution of such problems of the public as decided by the board, which would promote the wider objectives of the Trust.

63.  To receive financial and non-financial assistance from such government, non-government and/ or individual sources, including foreign sources.

64.  To accept donations, grants, presents, gifts, and other offerings in the shape of movable and/or immovable properties for the attainment of the aims and objects of the Trust.

65.  To purchase, acquire, run and manage moveable or immovable assets in the name of the Trust for the fulfillment of the aims and objects of the Trust.

66.  To enter into business and other partnership agreements and contracts with other individual, persons, groups, societies, trusts etc wrt Trust properties to run joint business ventures on profit sharing basis / bases under relevant policies, acts etc

67.  To erect, construct, alter, maintain, sell, lend, lease, mortgage, transfer, improve develop, manage and control all or any part of the property or the building of the trust / similar organisations/ other trusts as and when necessary or convenient for the purpose of the attainment of the aims and objects of the Trust.

68.  To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals magazines, periodicals, newsletters papers and other publications in different languages and on different subjects related to the objectives of the Trust.

69.  To employ domestic or foreign subject matter experts / organisations to progress the objectives of the trust and to look after the properties of the trust as and when necessary.

70.  To undertake such other activities which are necessary and which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the Trust.

71.  To acquire, purchase, build or take on lease or hire any movable or immovable property or rights; and sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of all or any part of such property and rights.

72.  The trust will undertake these and similar conservation, welfare, business and charitable activities all over the globe and hence its branches/offices may spread anywhere in India and/or abroad.

73.  To promote cleanliness and sanitary habits through drives, campaigns workshops, seminars and conferences.